Saturday, August 24, 2013

Mineral Show

Today my family (and some friends) got to go to a rock show, where pretty much, we got to walk around the ice skating rink we were at, and look at all the rocks on display.  It was really cool!  When I got home, I put my stash of rocks with my others.  Here some pictures:

Everything together

I have on display:
Small Red Garnett (from Chocorua - the camping place after White Lake)
Black Arrowhead (from Chocorua)
Chrystal Point (a long time ago in one of those dirt egg things)
Fossil (picked that up today)
Amethyst (also today)
All other rocks (Chocorua)

Malachite Tiger Statue - favorite thing here!  ($20)
Got it today

Glass bowl of shells and sea glass I've collected over the

Glass jar of polished rocks that I've collected over th

Inside the jar

Globe I bought at the Sea Science Center ($12)
Rock under it - I got that from Amped Camp at Moose River Outpost
I had an awesome day today!  Bye guys!  Have a great rest-of-the-day!  God bless you!

Ron Weasley

Hey guess what I just found out?  Rupert Grint's (Ron Weasley's) birthday is today!  I was browsing the Harry Potter Wiki and found this out!  Tomorrow is my brother's birthday.  Kinda funny though, don't you think?

Friday, August 23, 2013

Really Cool Wallpaper!

Get this wallpaper I found for your computer!  I think it's pretty awesome!

1 Corinthians - 15:55-57

Three Lake Days

Wow!  First day in three days, that we haven't gone to the lake!  Crazy right?  First, we went to Horace Lake with friends on Tuesday, then Clough Lake for our final bike adventures, (and we swam at the end) also with friends on Wednesday, then last but not least, we went to Lake Sunapee...(with friends of course!)

Probably some of our last lake days this year!  We are going to camp at a different lake this year, and we will swim there, but after that, it might just be!  My brother's birthday is on the 25th (two days from now) and he's turning ten.  Oh boy!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Deep Sea Fishing!

I went deep sea fishing on friday, and I made a video for it!


I went to the store the other day, and tried to find the funniest logos possible... I think I did pretty well!  (This is the one post so far that I get to act really...I don't know - funny I guess...)

Dyna Moo... (1 % Chocolate Milk)

Uh...I forget this one...but it's kinda creepy
I mean, with no pupils and all.

WHOA!  Crazy apple jack!

Raisin Bran

Chef - uh - Boyardee?

Hi Auntie Jemima!

Nesquik Bunny

Aww soooo cute!  Pillsbury Doughboy!

This guy likes Dark Magic coffee... makes
him play accordion...

Domino Sugar'n Cinnamon

Hey lady!  You're dropping your salt!
Can't lose your salt - oh wait.  If you have to
get rid of it by dropping it in the rain, it
can't be that good.

It's a mario! (Some kind of sauce)

Fruit Punch



I am the healthy hulk!  GREEN GIANT!

Another crazy guy sauce...

Iced tea dude...  Hey, what's he looking at?

Pickle Stork!  (If you say his name too loud
you will be cursed!)

Aww Little Debbie!

Keebler Keebler Keebler!


JOY ICE CREAM CONES! happy avocado!

Ooh!  An angry tomato with a loud
speaker...can't miss this!

Bye everyone!  Hope you enjoyed the funniest logos I could find!  (That is - in one store)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I Have Some News

Well, number one:  I'm getting way better at dirtbiking!

Number two:  We ran the Cigna 5k (My time was 37 minutes - probably because the whole entire family ran together.  I can't believe myself that I didn't blog about that when it was happening!)

Number three:  Camden is learning how to swim without goggles!

Number four:  This is the longest I haven't posted on my blog...ouch...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Head's Up!

This is an awesome game my mom found on her iPhone!  It's called Head's Up!  Here's a link to the website.  Check it out!  Heads Up!

You can get it on iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch for 99 cents, and it's great!

I'm Back!

Got back Sunday, just like before, and I had a great time!  However, I like White Lake way better.  We had a campsite that had a boarder to the lake.  We weren't allowed to swim in the water (I wouldn't want to anyway - I'll tell you why in a minute) but we could kayak, double kayak, or canoe.  Four other families came with us, so we shared the kayaks and canoe with them.  A longish walk again to the pool, shop, sand sifting area, swimming area, the gameroom, and the ring game.

The ring game was a game, that they built while we were there.  It was basicly a "T" made out of pipe, two strings hanging off the ends of the "T", two rings on the ends of the strings, and two hooks on either side of the bottom part of the "T".  You were supposed to hold the string, and back away, and the swing the string to get the ring onto the hook.  Sound easy?  Well, it wasn't easy to get the hang of, but once you get a way to get on, it became addicting!  I got it on nine times before we had to go, and I was the fourth ever to get it on!

I had another amazing weekend at camping!  Bye!  God bless you!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Know Where I'm Going?

Hey, want to know where I'm going?  Yes!  Camping for the weekend again!  I'll bring back pictures (hopefully) and I'll post them.  Well, I'm logging off for the weekend!  Bye!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

I Was Back From Camping Sunday...

I got back on Sunday, and the next day, Monday, was my mom's birthday.  I had a really great time camping at White Lake.  I got to kayak, canoe, swim, and even paddleboard!  (What's a paddleboard?)

It rained on the first and last day, and had the most beautiful weather on the second day.  We had campsite 12, and if we come again, we want to get the same one.  The playground was right next to the lake, so we could go back and forth if we got cold, and then hot.  It was fun, going back and forth and getting really hot then really cold!  Paddleboarding was my favorite part of the trip.  I thought it would be very hard to balance, but I was wrong.  It was pretty easy! My mom was trying it too and liked it herself!

We also went out lots of times on our kayak and our canoe.  The only thing was that it was a long walk to get to the lake...well, sort of long.  Behind the lake, you could see beautiful mountains!

I had an AMAZING time at White Lake State Park.  It was awesome!  Maybe you could go some time!