Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving Day

So, I said a couple days age that I would talk about Thanksgiving Day...well, here I am!

We got to go to our Babci and Pepe's house and have Thanksgiving dinner together as a family:  Me, my brothers, my parents, my grandparents, my aunt and uncle, and my cousin.  First we all played a little inside, running around playing with a ball with my 3-year-old nephew and having a blast.  After about an hour, it was time for dinner.  This consisted of turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and the world famous (Not really famous, but they absolutely should be!  They are always amazing!) banana fritters!

Afterwards, we went to play outside in the cold.  When I said cold just then, I really meant freezing.  We decided to play a game.  My dad would kick a football, and whichever of us got it back to him first, won.  I brought it back most of the time, as I have a 1 and-a-half year age lead on my younger brother, and a 3 year age lead on my youngest brother.  After a little while, my dad said that both of my brothers should team up.  This made the game a whole lot harder!

We came in, had a great dessert, played a couple games of air hockey, and it was already time to go.  I had a great thanksgiving this year!  I have a lot to be thankful for!  I hope you do too!  I'm logging off!  Good night!  Jesus loves you!

P.S.  I also added 3 more pictures to the art section.  Check them out!

New Drawings

Hey guys!  Go check out the new drawings in the "Art" section!  Hope you like them!

God bless you!  Bye!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!  I have a lot to be thankful for!  I hope you do too!  Today was an amazing day, but its late now so I'll talk about it the next free time I have.  Bye guys!  Happy Thanksgiving!  God bless you!

Monday, November 25, 2013

First Lego League

Here's a new paper I just wrote!

First Lego League 2013

First Lego League is a League where teams get together to program Lego Mindstorms to do different missions on a board, learn about Core Values, and learn about the theme project of the year.  The official website is:
The team I was on this year was one of the Goffstown’s teams, The NXT Ninjas.  (NXT is one of the generations of Mindstorms.)  We met for 4 hours every Sunday, and on the last couple of Sundays, we met for 6 hours.  For the entire last week, we met 3 hours almost every day until Saturday, which was when competition was held.  During the meetings, we would program the NXTs to do certain tasks on the game board, which looked like the picture to the right.  We also would turn in the homework that we had been assigned.
This year’s motif was “Natures Fury”.  We learned all about natural disasters.  Part of what we did for homework was writing a couple of papers about the natural disaster we chose- earthquakes.
                            There always has been a competition at the end of the year.  That competition happened to be last Saturday.  There were 16 teams this year  (including us).  We were judged on the robot performance, core values, technical judging, and the presentation we created and gave.
Robot performance was basically how our NXT performed on the b   oard.  We scored 165 points for that,  putting us in 9th place.  The highest score was 432.
Core values was when our team’s teamwork was put to the test.  They told us that we needed to get 5 ping-pong balls into a square on the floor, marked with blue masking tape, without any of us passing a line - about 3 feet away.  They said we had 5 minutes, some tape, and some newspaper.  The clock started.  We taped rolls of newspaper to each other and the ping-pong balls to another piece, and slid the newspaper with the balls on it into the square.  We made it just in time!
Technical judging was where a couple of judges came over to a practice board, and we showed them how our robot worked.  One of the judges pulled me and one of my friends over to see if we knew how to program an NXT.  This was the most simple part of the competition.
Then came presentation time.  We had prepared a presentation about a device that could help find people under rubble faster.  Back when we were learning it, I wrote the base of the script, and then as a team, we added to it.  It took a little while learning it, but after a while we got the hang of it.

We didn’t end up getting to go to States, (But the team in 10th place did!   A little devastating!) but I had a great time anyway.  I really enjoyed this year of Lego League!  Maybe you can find a team near you!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Elevate Music Band

Hey everyone!  Guess what I just got to join yesterday?

Pretty much, at Elevate, our worship pastor for the entire church would sing worship with his guitar.  He wanted to assemble a band of sorts so that us tweens and teens could worship together there.  So, he got a drummer, and singer, and - well, me, and assembled a band.  It felt really great being up on stage and playing the keys in worship to The Lord!

Bye guys!  God bless you!

The Weekend Before Last Weekend

It's probably time I post about this!  The weekend before last weekend, I got to go to my Babci and Pepe's house while my mom and dad were out to see the christian band Hillsong, and walk around in Boston to do some other fun stuff.  Anyway, at Babci and Pepe's, we played lots and lots of checkers, a game of Monopoly - well, I didn't play it, as I'm NOT a Monopoly person...

My Pepe had a cold though - but that didn't really matter - as me and my brothers also had colds.  My Babci ordered pizza for dinner, and in the morning she cooked an amazing breakfast of banana muffins (her famous recipe) and bacon.  For lunch we had left-over pizza and the left-over chicken wings from the night before.

I had a great time there!  And I can't wait to see them again in a week from now on Thanksgiving!  Have a great day everyone!  God bless you!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Hey!  Look at that!  The date!  It's 11-12-13!  Something like this won't happen next year at 12-13-14, but after that, it won't happen again for a long while.  I probably won't be alive then...

Anyway, make this day worth it!  Carpe Diem!  Seize the day!  God bless you!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Real Dog

Hey everyone!  Guess what my dog Nellie did today?  Well, lets start at the beginning of the story.  My mom looked outside at our van only to see a mouse running around in circles around the tire...So, me, my brothers, and Nellie, all ran downstairs shouting and barking, and opened the garage door.  Nellie could smell the might guess what comes next.  Probably the funniest thing I have ever seen her do!  After some chasing, she pounced on the mouse and broke it's neck.  I could not have been prouder!  She then carried it - head held high - all around the yard while we were shouting, "Good girl Nellie!"

Well anyway, I had a really great day!  Hope you did too!  Bye everyone!  God bless you!

Sunday, November 10, 2013


The blog polls are finished!  The results are:

3 - Yes

2 - No

I'm going to continue putting polls on the "Blog" page as I always have, and you will be able to vote in them normally.  Well, thats it for now.  I'm headed off to bed!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


What do you think?  It's finally up!  There are still some tweaks that I need to make but for now, It's finally up!  Also, please don't click the "Blog" or "" buttons in the box in the "Welcome" screen (you might be reading from it now) because they lead to something that I need to fix.  Also, you cannot see any pictures or videos that I post in the box on the "Welcome" screen.  Email me and tell me what you think at if you have any ideas or glitches you have found!

God bless you all!  Have a good nights rest!

Update:  Sorry about the broken email link if you tried to use it.  It just doesn't want to work though.  Just put the text into the "To" bar in your email.  Thanks!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Here are a couple pictures of my fish tank:

Update:  Sorry about the too-huge-pictures!  Fixed now!


Just a few before I head to bed!  God bless you!  Have a good rest!
Hey everyone!  I have lots of things to catch up on here!  First, last Saturday (11-2-13), I went to see the best comedian in the world.  (My favorite anyway) Tim Hawkins.  Live!  It was in Worcester MA, and at First Assembly of God Church.

This is a very funny "custom" invitation he made.

Very custom indeed huh?  Very dramatic at the end though...hehe.  He's my favorite comedian for sure.  Here's his official website:

I also picked up seven new fish that look all sort of like...

Yeah, that's them, Black Tetras.  We'll see how long they all live.

Well, thats all for now!  I'll be posting more soon!  Vote in the polls!  5 more days to vote!  Have a great night everyone!  God bless you all!