Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Okay so basically....

This blog is basically done.  I mean, I'll update it every now and then probably, but most likely, I won't use it for all that much like now.  I'll be creating a new blog strictly talking about my trip to Nicaragua in February 2017, but that won't be here.

I'll put the link here when I make that, but in the mean time, go to my website.

Just do it.  It's better than this blog.  Trust me!  :)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Play On is Here!

Hey, guys!  If you're seeing this post right now, I'm sure you've figured out that my new album Play On is out!  Go ahead and check it out by clicking the album art at www.playthekeys.com!

This album along with my others will soon be on Google Play as well!  Be sure to check that out if you have an Android phone!

Thanks for viewing Play The Keys!!  :)

Thursday, April 7, 2016


Hey, all!  Check this out!

I just made this in Gimp today!  Full-res version at the shared Google Drive!  (You can find this in the Play The Keys menu!)

Monday, February 29, 2016

Spring Cleaning

Hey guys!  So today (as you can probably tell) I've done some cleaning up and fine tuning to Play The Keys!  Hope you enjoy this quick update!

Also - Tech Geekin' is coming back!  In the very near future I'll be publishing some Let's Play Minecraft videos along with some reviews of Christmas stuff!  Super excited for that!

Thanks for viewing Play The Keys!! :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Side-Quest

Hey, all!  So as you may know, my album Groove came out a few days ago!  (See the post below for more info on that lol!)

But anyways, when I was recording for Groove, there were some days where I just wanted to sit down and fool around for a bit on just piano.  The free album that I uploaded today, (right here) is just that!  Just plain, simple, piano.  It's not perfect, but it was done first-take, as in I played these songs once, and that's what I recorded and uploaded!  And honestly, I really like the sound of it.  Go check it out.  Like, now.  :)

Thanks for viewing Play The Keys!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Groove is Here!

Hey, all!  Sooo, it's been a bit.  But guess what?  I finally finished my album Groove and it's up and Bandcamp (just typed "bandcramp" on accident by the way - lol) right now!

Over at www.playthekeys.bandcamp.com, just click on, "Groove," and from there you're good to go!  Have a quick listen and then maybe buy it for $2?  *wink wink*?  :)

Anyways, thanks for viewing Play The Keys!

P.S. I love listening back to my older stuff.  Then, I listen to the new stuff again and it really just shows how far I've come.  So thank all of you guys for the encouragement and help along the way!  No, really - thank you!!!  :D

Monday, January 4, 2016

It's Been A Month...

Hey, all!  So, yeah.  It's been a little while since I last posted on December 1st.  My reason?  Well, there's been a lot going on in the past few weeks.  I'll give you guys all the rundown - okay?

Christmas services at MCC were awesome.  That was probably my favorite part of the whole month.  No, seriously.  I played at Wellington on the 23rd for both of the services, and boy were they fun!  The songs were tricky for all of us, but that's what made it feel like we were all doing our very best together to make something awesome.  Honestly, with all of the cool lighting, fog, and the both louder and harder music all made it feel like I was playing at a concert.  Which, by the way, was AMAZING!  :D

I also played at another Christmas program at our local Christian preschool (where I went as a kid) Chestnut.  And yup, this was also hard, but also extremely fun!  After getting the sheet music, realizing that I had no idea what I was doing, getting the actual songs, making chord sheets, and then playing all 16 songs 3 times at the shows, I was tired.  But while doing it, I had major nostalgia waves I guess as I seemed to remember some of the parts of the plays that the kids were saying.  A few of the songs rung a bell in my head, too!  Overall, I really loved getting to help out with that this year - it was pretty darn fun!

On Christmas Day, we stayed home and essentially sat on our butts.  (Not that we don't do that every year - haha!)  We went for a small walk because it was like 60 degrees, and we also played with the Socker Boppers which we had received that morning.  Awesome.

I got some awesome gifts this year, too, and I'm very thankful for all of them!

My parents' main gift to me was a Yamaha YPG-235.  Now I can record my music in my room with my computer instead of our (now older) MacBook!

My brother Camden got me an HMDX Chill speaker, which is epic!  Loud, crisp, and is Bluetooth!

My brother Logan got me (arguably the most thoughtful gift of the entire day) a Play The Keys shirt using CustomInk!!!  THIS IS SO SWAG.  Sorry just had to get that out of the way...

Oh yeah, here's one little late Christmas gift to you guys...Play The Keys works on mobile now!  Go ahead, try it.  Please comment an tell me if you find any bugs so I can squash 'em!  Thanks so much for viewing Play The Keys!

P.S. Nope, haven't forgotten about my album Groove.  It's coming.  Still in the works, but coming.  :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Play The Keys Christmas

Guys, it's December first.  Christmas is coming soon, and I'm TOTALLY ready for Christmas music!  So, with that being said....

Today I created a small album with FREE Christmas music on it!  Enjoy some peaceful tunes played only on piano, for the low, low price, of $0!  :)

Alright, enough talking.  Go listen and/or download at www.playthekeys.bandcamp.com or at any of the "Music" links all around www.playthekeys.com!

Thanks for viewing and #ChristmasIsComing!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

My Windows 10 Wallpaper

I know what you're thinking....Another wallpaper?

Yes, yes, I know.  I have a bit of an addiction.  :D

Anyways, I added 3 new wallpapers to Google Drive, my personal favorite being this one:

Which I based off of the default Windows 10 wallpaper.  Check out the link in the Play The Keys Menu to see my shared Google Drive!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Today (11-12-15)


Yesterday was Veterans Day, and I wanted to say thank you any veterans who might be viewing this post!  Because really - thank you so much for all you do.  It makes a big impact on our country and even world - without you veterans, our safety wouldn't really be a thing.

Other stuff going on today: nothing.  Well, we have school at least!  Hooray.....I just have to remember that the weekend is coming - because it is.

What are you guys up to?  Email, comment, text me, I don't care, just contact me and tell me what's up!  :D