Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Play The Keys Christmas

Guys, it's December first.  Christmas is coming soon, and I'm TOTALLY ready for Christmas music!  So, with that being said....

Today I created a small album with FREE Christmas music on it!  Enjoy some peaceful tunes played only on piano, for the low, low price, of $0!  :)

Alright, enough talking.  Go listen and/or download at www.playthekeys.bandcamp.com or at any of the "Music" links all around www.playthekeys.com!

Thanks for viewing and #ChristmasIsComing!


  1. Hello Elijah this is Noah. Your music is amazing and your website is smooth and cool!
    Merry Christmas! #ChristmasIsComing

  2. Btw, I finally got my blog, TheNoahReport, back up and running! Thank you for the advise!
