Sunday, April 27, 2014

Paintball And Lego Club

As the title says, today we went to paintball and lego club!

First, we went to paintball with a ton of friends.  It was insanely fun!  We had three rounds before we had to leave to get to lego club.  Our first round was a round where two teams would shoot at each other.  If we were hit, we would go back to our base and start shooting again.  That round was probably was my favorite.  We then played a game "Castle" where one team defended a castle, and one team invaded it.  After that round our teams swapped roles.  Our team won both of those rounds.  After that, we had to head out to lego club.  I had an amazing time going to paintball!  I hope I can do it again sometime!

After that, we went to lego club.  We went to an ice cream shop and started off the year by talking about how we will do the season.  Then we had some great ice cream together!  It was awesome!

I had a great time today!  Thanks for viewing this blog!  I hope you like this post!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pizza Paper

So, one time I went down to the local pizza shop to grab some pizza for my family.  Of course, when I got there, they didn’t even have pizza!  Just calzones and stuff!  So, I had to make the pizza myself.

I got home and washed my hands.  “Now…how to you make pizza again?” I thought.   I got a pan, and started to think of what I should use for the dough.  I thought, “Ohh!  I should use the dough that mom uses – wait.  That would be boring.  I’ll use mud instead!  That’ll be tasty!”  Or so I thought.  Of course, I was like four at the time so I didn’t know better.  I went outside and grabbed some mud.  I plopped it in the pan.

“Okay, now for the cheese!”  I looked in the fridge.  “Aww shoot, no cheese!”  Of course, there was cheese right behind the pickle jar, I just didn’t move it and look.  What to use instead of cheese – I didn’t know!  “Maybe…” I eyed the uncooked pasta in the pantry.  “That looks close enough like cheese!  I’ll use it!”  So, I took the box and emptied it into the pan over the mud.

“Now for toppings…”  I thought.  I grabbed a whole lot of things there - some of which I don’t remember now.  I remember putting mustard, gummies, eggs, bananas, squash, and OJ in there.

I asked my mom to stick the pizza into the oven.  Of course, she was on the phone with a friend and wasn’t paying attention as she put it into the oven.  The good part about that was that she didn’t notice how the pizza looked.  She didn’t notice because she was so caught up in that conversation with her friend.

So, along came dinnertime when the pizza was ready, and we took it out of the oven.  “Uh, what’s that smell?” asked Dad, coming in the door from work.  “Hi honey!  How was your day?”  Mom started asking.  “No, no, no, wait…what is that smell?”  Dad asked louder this time.  “It’s pizza!”  I proudly exclaimed.

In the end, we all tried a slice, puked, puked again, and chucked that pizza in the garbage.  “Well that wasn’t completely a fail.”  I told everyone.  “Why is that?” Mom asked me.  “Well, I used all of the squash.  Now we don’t have to eat it tomorrow for dinner like you said!”  I said, happily.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Four Things

Hey all!  We've been crazy busy since our visit to the MFA.  Here are four things we've done since then.

I was hit in the face with a baseball bat.  I'll show you pictures later when I get back home but for the meantime...well, just wait.

We went to MCC (Manchester Christian Church) Easter at the JFK.  That was a HUGE Easter service where we watched our pastor preach, and heard and sang to great worship music.

I finished VLACS!  Yes, all of my VLACS courses are now complete!  I got straight "A's"!  Thought I barely got one in my math, where I got a 91.  I almost had a "B" there!

I am at piano practice as I'm typing this.  No, not in piano practice, but listening to my brother's piano practice.  That's all.

Thanks for viewing this blog!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Acrostic Poem

We do school at our home together.  Everyday, we start school at 8:30 or 9:00 in the morning.
Sometimes we get to do school outside!  We love to do it towards the end of the year when we’re sick of winter.
Mom is our teacher and cook!  She teaches us extremely well and also makes great breakfasts, lunches, and dinners.
We do our school with much efficiency.  We normally get school done before 2:00.
Social Studies
For my social studies class, I use VLACS.  VLACS stands for Virtual Learning Academy Charter School.
Most of our school requires a computer or laptop.  I use my laptop, and my brothers use our Mac and Dell.
We huddle close together when my mom reads us a book or lesson.  This is one of my favorite parts of the school day.
We do our best to do our school with much obedience.  When we are obedient, we can do our school well.
Though we aren’t always a smooth operation, we still get through the day.
I love my family and homeschooling with them!  It is such a blessing that we get to have more time together then many other families!

Elijah Boisvert

Age, 12

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I'm Done

Well, today is kind of a sad day for me.  After years and years of playing piano, I think it's time that I have to stop.  We're just really busy, and we don't have time for piano anymore.  This also means that this blog will close because I won't "Play The Keys" anymore.  Bye guys.  Thanks for viewing this blog while it lasted.  Read on for the full story.

April Fools to you!
I'm not really quitting piano, and I'm not ending this blog either!  Ha-ha!  I got you there for a second...I think...  Let me tell you about that day.

First, me and my brothers set alarms on our iPhone and iPod to wake us up at 12:00 am, and 2:30 am to set up our pranks.  Of course, the alarms never went off.  That would be because my mom took them from our room to bust all of our pranks right then.

Lucky for us, I woke up needing to go to the bathroom at 1:10 am!  I thought, "Hey, my alarm didn't go off at 12:00...Mom must have taken it!"  So, I set up  my pranks, and was back in bed by 2:15 am.

I thought, "Hey!  Mom probably took my brother's alarm too!  I'll go tell him!"  So I waited until 2:30 am, (which was his alarm time) and heard nothing from my brother's room.  Mom had taken his.  I went into his room and woke him up.  "Dude!  Dude!  Wake up!  Mom took our alarms!"  He replies, "No she didn't..." I held up the end of the headphone jack that he had put in his iPod.  There was no iPod attached.  "Oh..." he said.

Then I heard noises of my brothers outside my door making their pranks.  Then I fell asleep.

Now I'll list all of the pranks that happened this year and who did them:

Little Toilet Paper Mess - Mom
Huge Toilet Paper Mess - Both Brothers
Cereal Bags Switched - Mom
Stolen Gadgets And Alarms - Both Parents
Dog Food In Fridge - Me
Toilet Paper Smiley - Youngest Brother
Toilet Seat Taped Down - Me
Salt In Keurig  - Me
Salt In Coffee Cups - Me
Cling-Wrap Doors - Both Brothers
Tripwire - Both Brothers
Carnation Breakfast Flavor Swap - Me
Eyeball Sticker In Fridge - Mom
Stuffing In Shoes - Dad

Now, two other that need specifics.  First, I was going to take a screenshot on our Mac and set it as wallpaper.  I was then going to disable the dock so that my Mom would be clicking hopelessly as nothing happened.  Why I didn't?  Well, It was stolen my Mom.

The other one, the big one, was that my Dad turned off all of the sinks.  They just wouldn't work.  We didn't know until we were at piano lessons today and my Mom called my Dad asking.  His reply was laughing, and laughing, and laughing.

That's all for April Fools!  Thanks for viewing!  Bye now!