Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Super Smash Gadget

Hey, all!  So, I wanted to just give you all a "heads up" about the Youtube video that I'm going to post...

Anyway, it all started earlier today.  We were going to a good friend's house to work on a project that we had for our Co-Op science class.  We finished the project quickly, and then ran outside.  What were we going to do?  Well, another good friend that we drove there brought his old iPhone 3Gs.  He was hoping to trade it for the iPhone 4 that the host owned.  Why would that even be good?  Trading an old iPhone 3Gs for a nice shiny iPhone 4?!?

Well, our plan was to smash the iPhone 3Gs to pieces because it was so old - and it didn't work.  Luckily, our dream came true!  After demolishing the iPhone, we wanted more.  Here is a list of the things we broke and what we did to them.

iPhone 3Gs - shot it with a beebee gun, threw it a few times, and ran it over with a car

Nintendo DSi - threw it super far into a puddle, and sliced it with an ax

Super Old Motorola Smartphone - shot it with a beebee gun, threw it a few times, and hit it with a shovel

Soooo, yea.  We destroyed all of those.  What's awesome about it?  Well, we caught it all on tape!!!  I'm going to compile all of the picture and videos and make them into one big Youtube video for you guys to watch!  It'll be finished at least be the end of this week, but probably will be done today or tomorrow.  I'll let you guys know once I'm finished!  BEWARE!

Thanks for viewing Play The Keys!  See ya later.

Monday, April 27, 2015

All Done

Alright, guys!  That's it!  The whole site is completely coded in HTML, and it's finished!  Enjoy!!!


So!  Have you noticed anything different yet?  The Play The Keys makeover is just about finished!  The "Welcome" and "Media" pages are both complete, but the "Blog" page that you are currently viewing right now needs a little work.

Well, thanks guys for putting up with all of this "construction," and thanks for viewing Play The Keys!

Monday, April 20, 2015


You may start seeing some weird stuff happening on this site!  As I'm coding the new makeover, this current one may start looking a little bit weird.  Sorry about that, and thanks for viewing!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Play The Keys In HTML

Hey, all!  As some of you may know, for a long time now, (ever since this place has been a website) I've used iWeb for this site.  If you don't know what iWeb is, it's a graphical way to make websites.  You know, a drag and drop kind of thing?  It's really simple, and that's what has let me change my website so much.  However....iWeb has officially gone out of date, and any day now, (when the next Mac update comes) our Macbook will stop supporting iWeb altogether!  Now, iWeb only on Macs.  This means that I can't just get iWeb on my computer, and keep it working.  Soooo.  The fix?  Well, I can use full HTML coding!  Here is a snippet of what a future version of my website might look like in HTML (get ready):


<a href="Welcome"><img class="title" src="images/Play%20The%20Keys-logo.png"></a>

<li><a href="Welcome">Welcome</a></li>
<li><a href="Media">Media</a></li>
<li><a href="Blog">Blog</a></li>

<a href="mailto:elijah@playthekeys.com?Subject=Hullo" style="float: right;"><img class="mail" style="margin: 70px 0px 0px -110px;" alt="Email Me!" src="images/mail icon.png"></a>

<div style="padding-bottom: 150px">
<img class="bar" align="middle" src="images/Bar.png">

<img class="card" src="images/card.jpg">

<img class="image3" src="images/piano.jpg">

<img class="graybox" src="images/lightgreybox.png">

<p class="welcome">Hello, all!  Welcome to the new and improved Fazbea - *cough* sorry - Play The Keys!  I coded all of this in full HTML, without the help of iWeb!  If you find any bugs or anything, make sure to let me know!  Thanks!</p>

Aaaaand we're back.  Okay, that was a little much, huh?  I made all of that.  Myself.  Pretty insane! (If I do say so myself...)  Anyway, here's actually what the website will look like when you see it:

Nice, huh?  All new with Google's Material Design!
Hope you guys like the new design!  If you have any recommendations, let me know!

P.S. I DO NOT OWN GOOGLE OR MATERIAL DESIGN....Just wanted to get that out there.  ALL CREDIT FOR MATERIAL DESIGN FULLY GOES TO GOOGLE....Also wanted to get that out there.  :P

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Hey, everyone!  So, I think I'm a bit overdue on a blog post.  You guys might be wondering, "What's going on in Elijah's life right now?"  Okay, probably not, (Haha.) but anyway, life has been pretty normal lately.

Easter was great!  I got to to go church in the morning (and hear the most AMAZING worship ever) and then hang out at my Babci and Pepe's house!  Of course, my aunt, uncle, and cousin got to come too, and we had a blast!  Babci's food was great, and I even got to eat PIEROGIES!!!!!

Other than that, like I said above, life's been pretty normal!  Which, of course, is good.  :D

Some things that are coming up that we're going to be doing are: Muckfest and the MCC Auditions!  Now, what are these all about?  Well, I'll tell ya.

Muckfest is a 5k race where we have to complete many difficult obstacles.  Oh, did I mention that it's mucky?  As the name implies, Muckfest is sure to be the muckiest race I've ever done!  I'll tell you more about it after the race.  (This is on the 26th of April.)

The MCC Auditions are also on the 26th, but just a little bit later in the day.  As many of you probably know, I've been in the Elevate (our youth group) band.  This band ("Squat" as some people like to call it!) tends to have 4 - 6 band members each night, and we have a blast worshipping God together!  Anyway, these auditions are for Sunday mornings, which are just normal services.  I'm really excited for the auditions, I think I just might have a chance!  Be praying for me!  (My stage-fright isn't bad at Elevate with kids around and a bit older than my age - but with a crowd of both adults and kids?  I'll probably have a bit of stage-fright, at least at the beginning!)

Thanks for viewing Play The Keys!