Monday, November 5, 2012

Hi everyone!  Last Tuesday, we had a call from DCYF.  We were on the foster care list.  That meant that if a boy needed someone to take care of him  for a little while, then we would be able to take him in.  But the caller told us that it was not just one boy, (We had all boys in the family except for my mom and Nellie) it was a five year old boy, and a six year old GIRL.  Yes girl.  We didn't have one dress in the house.  (except for moms)  No dollies, doll houses, no little girl purses, no little girl shoes - none of that.
     Luckily, we had plenty of good friends who were able to give us some of their little girl clothes, dolls and shoes.  It's been kind of hard for me and my brothers.  I mean, we've never had a little girl in our house for so long.  Last night was crazy.  When the girl was sleeping, and I came upstairs into the bathroom, I whisper, "Uh dad, come and see this."  When he comes upstairs to see the sight, he had to try to hold in laughing really hard.  What was it you ask?  Doll hair on the counter,  Doll hair on the towel that is hanging, A weird hair thing that is on the ground, her whole outfit under A towel, (including underwear) and last but not least, on top of the toilet, was a vase.  Under the vase was pink striped underwear.  All a true story. 

Anyway...Philippians 2:4 says, "Do not be interested only in your life, but be interested in the lives of others."

That is very true with foster care.  You need to do it.  Sometimes it can be hard.  But it's the right thing to do.  Have a great day everyone.  Also, if you want more questions about foster care, email me at  God bless you all!