Friday, February 20, 2015

Computer Building Pics

Hey, all!  So, you may be wondering what I got for my birthday... Well, I got a bunch of computer parts!  (These of course, make up a computer.  Now that I think about it...what else could they make up?) Well, I'll add captions to the pics along the way!  Enjoy!

Just starting to ops things.  The red
mat is a special static-free area. 

A good look at the inside
of my computer case.

Let's get started!

Opening some boxes...

This is the motherboard box.

The motherboard in it's package.

And there it is!

The motherboard itself.

Now we have to add some
things to it.

I just laid the processor into place.
Now I'm going to put the heat-sink in.

Okay, that looks right.

Now, we're done the motherboard.  Let's put it into the case.

Tada!  Motherboard installed!

Okay.  Here's what it looks like
so far.

We have the motherboard, power supply,
processor, graphics card, and hard
drive installed.

Now we just gotta wire it.

Pluging in a few of the first wires.

Another close-up of the computer.
Now with some wires installed.

Aaaand...tada!  There we go.

A close-up of some of the components.

Here we go!  Putting on the
cover again!

Tightening those last screws...

Pesky screws!

Okay, I have to bring it upstairs

My mom decided to stalk me
while I was doing so!  :)

Gosh...why is she still taking
pictures of me?

After all, I am just walking


Ahh.  We just put it there
so we could test things out.

First plug-in....

Moment of truth!

Yes!  It turns on!

We don't have an operating system on it yet, so it's just
going to show that black screen for now.

And, yes!  That's it!
Thanks, Dad, for helping me!
So, remember I said how I didn't have an operating system on the computer yet?  Well, I'm happy to say that I've installed the Windows 10 beta on it, and am using it to blog right now!

That's all, folks!  I hope you enjoyed watching my build my very first computer!  Thanks for viewing!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Hey, all!  I'm 13!!!!  Happy birthday to meh.  Ha!  Whooooo!  Now I'm a teen!  Yay.  I also wanna wish a happy birthday to my friend Brenden!  So, I will.  Happy birthday, Brenden!

Friday, February 13, 2015

What's Up?

Hey, all!  I haven't blogged in over a week!  Wow...

Anyway, I wanted to tell you guys what's been happening around here...

1.  I've started playing indoor soccer - Yes, I have.  I've only played one game so far, but I'm playing another one tonight, and probably next week too.

2.  We got an Xbox 360 and a Playstation 2 - Yup.  My mom happened to be on Facebook right as the deal was posted, and we were the first ones to get our hands on it!

3.  Logan's basketball team made it to the playoffs - Yay!  That means that his team will play in the playoffs....pretty self-explanatory, actually.

4.  We have more snow on the way - This one isn't so happy...MORE STINKIN' SNOW!  This snow has ruined many of our plans, and has also made some too.

Well, that's about it!  Happy Valentines Day! (Tomorrow)  :D

Monday, February 2, 2015


Hey, guys!  Did any of you see the Superbowl?  I'm sure many of you guys did.  I had a great time watching it!  Here's what we did for the Superbowl.

A friend of ours invited us to a Superbowl party, so we got to go to that.  It was a lot of fun, "ooh-ing" and "yesssss-ing" together.  We ate food, and watched the Superbowl while some of the younger kids played upstairs.  Now onto the game...

If any of you saw it, you might agree with me.  That was a good game.  A really good game!  It was a close one too!  I thought that after those last 6 seconds of the first half, that the Patriots were done.  It all started going downhill from there.  But then, out of nowhere, comes this Butler guy!  He saved the whole game!

We laughed when we saw all of the pusses on the Seahawks' faces at the end of the game.  Some of them were crying, and that made us laugh too.  The half-time show was fun too, as the younger kids (and some adults) danced to the music.

We had a great time watching the Superbowl, and I hope you did too!  Now I can't wait for next football season!