Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello everyone!  This is my first time ever posting something on a blog!  My name is Elijah and I am 10.  I have online accounts for a lot of things.  Like, Animal Jam, Fantage, Minecraft.  So many other things, I can't name them all...  Anyway,  for every one of those my username is Critter1411.  So if any of you out there know these games, and want to join me, well, you can email me at or buddy me on Animal Jam or Fantage.

I play piano and like to write stories.  I will be posting my chapters of the story I am writing right now.  My series name is: The Pack.  It is Book 1, and is called: Joining the Pack.  I have already started so I will post the first few chapters that I have done, and then the other ones as I finish them.

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