Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Gingerbread House

Hey everybody!  Yesterday I got to go to a good friend of mine's house to make a gingerbread house with them.  My friend's mom made the gingerbread dough herself!  And the frosting!  She got them to stay together really well too!  My friend and I were plastering candy and frosting on our houses.  This is what mine came out like:

My Gingerbread House
I put a see-saw and a campfire...with GUMMY BEARS!  I had a great time with my friend and I hope he did too!

So, after that, I got home...what do you think I did?  I made another....not even close to as nice as this one though...and the dough wasn't homemade.  We actually used graham crackers.  You guys might be like, "Really Elijah?  Two gingerbread houses in one day?  Do you really need that much candy?"  And to that, I would say YES! ...but then again, I really should say no...

Anyway, have a great day!  BEST GINGERBREAD DAY EVER!

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