Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I'm Done

Well, today is kind of a sad day for me.  After years and years of playing piano, I think it's time that I have to stop.  We're just really busy, and we don't have time for piano anymore.  This also means that this blog will close because I won't "Play The Keys" anymore.  Bye guys.  Thanks for viewing this blog while it lasted.  Read on for the full story.

April Fools to you!
I'm not really quitting piano, and I'm not ending this blog either!  Ha-ha!  I got you there for a second...I think...  Let me tell you about that day.

First, me and my brothers set alarms on our iPhone and iPod to wake us up at 12:00 am, and 2:30 am to set up our pranks.  Of course, the alarms never went off.  That would be because my mom took them from our room to bust all of our pranks right then.

Lucky for us, I woke up needing to go to the bathroom at 1:10 am!  I thought, "Hey, my alarm didn't go off at 12:00...Mom must have taken it!"  So, I set up  my pranks, and was back in bed by 2:15 am.

I thought, "Hey!  Mom probably took my brother's alarm too!  I'll go tell him!"  So I waited until 2:30 am, (which was his alarm time) and heard nothing from my brother's room.  Mom had taken his.  I went into his room and woke him up.  "Dude!  Dude!  Wake up!  Mom took our alarms!"  He replies, "No she didn't..." I held up the end of the headphone jack that he had put in his iPod.  There was no iPod attached.  "Oh..." he said.

Then I heard noises of my brothers outside my door making their pranks.  Then I fell asleep.

Now I'll list all of the pranks that happened this year and who did them:

Little Toilet Paper Mess - Mom
Huge Toilet Paper Mess - Both Brothers
Cereal Bags Switched - Mom
Stolen Gadgets And Alarms - Both Parents
Dog Food In Fridge - Me
Toilet Paper Smiley - Youngest Brother
Toilet Seat Taped Down - Me
Salt In Keurig  - Me
Salt In Coffee Cups - Me
Cling-Wrap Doors - Both Brothers
Tripwire - Both Brothers
Carnation Breakfast Flavor Swap - Me
Eyeball Sticker In Fridge - Mom
Stuffing In Shoes - Dad

Now, two other that need specifics.  First, I was going to take a screenshot on our Mac and set it as wallpaper.  I was then going to disable the dock so that my Mom would be clicking hopelessly as nothing happened.  Why I didn't?  Well, It was stolen my Mom.

The other one, the big one, was that my Dad turned off all of the sinks.  They just wouldn't work.  We didn't know until we were at piano lessons today and my Mom called my Dad asking.  His reply was laughing, and laughing, and laughing.

That's all for April Fools!  Thanks for viewing!  Bye now!

1 comment:

  1. That is absolutely hilarious!!! :) At dinner on our april fools day I had put a bunch of dead, rotting leaves in the salad bowl, and then covered it with a thin layer of actual salad leaves. Then Anna went to get a scoop, and she picked up a bunch of leaves. Although our mom always gets us. She takes an Oreo, fills it with cream cheese, and says that since they are gluten free, that the cream just looks like that. Then me, Isaac, and Anna eat them. Isaac and Anna are lucky, because they both think its great and much better than a regular Oreo. But not me. Even worse, this year it was goat cheese, (which I love, but not when I just prepped my mouth for a sweet creamy filling) and I and A loved it even more, but I can't tell you how disgusting it was for me. Oh, and for the alarm prank? I set my mom&dad's
    alarm clock for 1:00 am and guess what? I got quite the complaints about it in the morning. There's april fools day for you!
